Natural Hair Solution Shampoo
৳ 230.00
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Natural Hair Solution Shampoo
Brand: ARK
- চুল খুশকি মুক্ত করে
- চুল পড়া রোধ করে
- চুলের গোড়া মজবুত করে
- ভঙ্গুর ও অমসৃণ চুল পরিচর্যা করে
- চুলের সৌন্দর্য ও উজ্জ্বলতা বৃদ্ধি করে
নিম, রিঠা, শিকাকাই, কিটোকোনাজল, আর্নিকা, আমলকি, অ্যালোভেরা, বেডিয়াগা, সোডিয়াম লরাইল সালফেট ও অন্যান্য উপাদান
গোসলের আগে ভেজা চুলে ২-৩ মিনিট ভালোভাবে শ্যাম্পু মাখুন। এরপর পরিস্কার পানি দিয়ে ভালোভাবে ধুয়ে ফেলুন।
Neem Benefit for Hair:
- Condition your scalp.
- Promote healthy hair growth.
- Temporarily seal hair follicles.
- Soothe frizz.
- Minimize grays.
- Reduce dandruff.
- Treat head lice.
Benefits of shikakai for hair
- Shikakai can make your hair soft and shiny.
- Heals your scalp and prevents the agony of a dry scalp.
- Fight that stubborn dandruff with shikakai.
- Shikakai boosts hair growth.
- Is a gentle detangler.
- Shikakai prevents dreadful split ends.
- Delays greying of hair!
Benefits of Reetha
Reetha is an age-old remedy that makes hair extremely soft, gorgeous and overall beautiful. Additionally, the fact that it can be used as a natural shampoo ensures that you get healthy hair without an ounce of chemicals on your tresses. Let’s take a look at the various benefits that this magical herb has to offer.
Reetha, when combined with some ingredients, serves as an excellent and natural way of curbing hair fall. When regularly used with ingredients such as shikakai, lime peels, and even amla, reetha is known to nourish the scalp and significantly reduce hair fall.
Reetha is also extremely good at preventing dandruff. It has antibacterial properties that help keep the scalp fresh and clean and treat conditions like dandruff over time. Just remember to apply and leave it on for a few minutes before rinsing it off.
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